300 Baby Names That Start with A


By Sapana Chandra

A is a great letter for the start of your new baby’s name. Think baby names like Adley, Asher, Averie, and the list goes on.

Baby laughing and crawling on floor.
Photo courtesy of Canva.

Baby names that start with A are popular for several reasons. Not only does the letter roll off the tongue, but there are many meaningful options.

You’re not alone in wanting a baby name that starts with A. Names like Amelia and Ava are in the top 10 baby names.

The best part is that you can choose short or long names because the letter A is so versatile.

The following is a complete list of names that start with A to give you ideas for your new baby.

Gender-neutral names that start with A

Baby hands holding parent's fingers.
Photo courtesy of Canva.

From Adel to Ainsley, there are many gender-neutral baby names that start with A to choose from.

1. Abba

2. Abby

3. Aberdeen

4. Abey

5. Abir

6. Abisha

7. Abril

8. Adair

9. Adan

10. Adar

11. Addie

12. Addison

13. Adeh

14. Adel

15. Aden

16. Adisson

17. Adler

18. Adley

19. Ado

20. Adonia

21. Adrian

22. Aedan

23. Aether

24. Aidan

25. Aija

26. Ainsley

27. Ala

28. Alba

29. Aldis

30. Alec

31. Alex

32. Alexis

33. Ali

34. Alia

35. Alison

36. Alix

37. Alleyne

38. Allie

39. Allison

40. Alma

41. Almond

42. Alpha

43. Alta

44. Alton

45. Alva

46. Aly

47. Amal

48. Amani

49. America

50. Amor

51. Amos

52. Ananya

53. Anderson

54. Andi

55. Andrea

56. Andy

57. Angel

58. Angeles

59. Angelou

60. Anjel

61. Ara

62. Arbor

63. Archer

64. Arden

65. Aren

66. Aria

67. Ariell

68. Aries

69. Arin

70. Aris

71. Arlan

72. Arlea

73. Arlen

74. Arley

75. Arlie

76. Armani

77. Armen

78. Arya

79. Asa

80. Ase

81. Asher

82. Ashlen

83. Ashley

84. Ashton

85. Aspen

86. Aster

87. Astra

88. Athens

89. Atlas

90. Aubrey

91. Audi

92. Augustine

93. Austyn

94. Autry

95. Averie

86. Avery

97. Axe

98. Ayden

99. Azaria

100. Azur

Related: Tree Names for Babies

Girl names that start with A

Baby girl laying on the bed.
Photo courtesy of Canva.

Finding the perfect name for your baby girl can be a challenge. To make the process a little easier, here’s a list of the top girl names that start with A.

1. Aaliyah

2. Abbey

3. Abigail

4. Abilene

5. Adalee

6. Adalynn

7. Addison

8. Adelaide

9. Adeline

10. Adina

11. Adley

12. Adria

13. Adrianna

14. Adriel

15. Afton

16. Aggie

17. Agnes

18. Aileen

19. Aimée

20. Aksana

21. Alaina

22. Alana

23. Alanis

24. Alaska

25. Alayna

26. Alda

27. Aleah

28. Aleena

29. Alejandra

30. Alex

31. Alexa

32. Alexandra

33. Alexia

34. Alexis

35. Alia

36. Alice

37. Alina

38. Alisa

39. Aliyah

40. Aliza

41. Allegra

42. Allison

43. Alma

44. Alora

45. Alvina

46. Amal

47. Amanda

48. Amani

49. Amaya

50. Amber

51. Amelia

52. Amethyst

53. Aminah

54. Amira

55. Amy

56. Analia

57. Andrea

58. Angel

59. Anika

60. Anissa

61. Anita

62. Ann

63. Anna

64. Annalee

65. Annora

66. Anya

67. April

68. Arabella

69. Archer

70. Aria

71. Arianna

72. Ariel

73. Arielle

74. Aries

75. Aris

76. Arrow

77. Artemis

78. Arwen

79. Arya

80. Asha

81. Ashley

82. Aster

83. Astrid

84. Athena

85. Aubrey

86. Audie

87. Audra

88. Audrey

89. Aura

90. Aurelia

91. Aurora

92. Autumn

93. Ava

94. Avah

95. Averie

96. Avery

97. Avril

98. Ayla

99. Ayleen

100. Azra

Related: Baby Names Inspired by Shakespeare

Boy names that start with A

Mom holding baby in lap.
Photo courtesy of Canva.

Whether you have a tradition of naming the boys in your family with this letter or you think there is something special about it, check out these boy names starting with A.

1. Aaron

2. Abe

3. Abraham

4. Abram

5. Ace

6. Adam

7. Adelmo

8. Adi

9. Adin

10. Adrian

11. Aeson

12. Aesop

13. Agathon

14. Ahmed

15. Aiden

16. Ajay

17. Akil

18. Akira

19. Akshay

20. Alan

21. Alaska

22. Alastair

23. Alberich

24. Alberto

25. Albus

26. Aldo

27. Alec

28. Alessandro

29. Alex

30. Alexander

31. Alfie

32. Alfonso

33. Alfred

34. Algar

35. Ali

36. Alix

37. Allen

38. Alon

39. Alpine

40. Alvin

41. Alvise

42. Amado

43. Amand

44. Amani

45. Ambrose

46. Amen

47. Ames

48. Amir

49. Amon

50. Andres

51. Andrew

52. Angelo

53. Angus

54. Anibal

55. Anri

56. Anthony

57. Antoine

58. Antonio

59. Apollo

60. Archer

61. Ardel

62. Ardy

63. Ari

64. Aric

65. Ariel

66. Arin

67. Arlen

68. Arlin

69. Arlo

70. Armand

71. Armani

72. Armas

73. Armen

74. Arnie

75. Arnold

76. Arrow

77. Art

78. Artair

79. Artemis

80. Arthur

81. Asa

82. Ash

83. Asher

84. Ashton

85. Aston

86. Atem

87. Atlas

88. Atwell

89. Aubrey

90. Auden

91. August

92. Auron

93. Austin

94. Avery

95. Avry

96. Axel

97. Aydan

98. Azim

99. Aziz

100. Azriel

Baby names that start with A are strong and powerful. Now that you’ve read through the list of baby names that start with A, which name did you choose and why?

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